Monday 15 July 2013


We just arrived from Kigali, Rwanda where we hosted Franklin Covey global productivity practice leader Kory Kogon. Morning event with the Rwanda Private Sector Federation was awesome. We had about 90 plus guests for the morning event. Attendees were drawn from key private sector organizations and they came early to listen to Kory Kogon. Kory delivered the core thesis of the 5 Choices - that with today's paradox of instant access to data and poor decision making, the 5 choices provide the mindset, skill set and tool set to provide focused attention, improved decision making and greater physical and mental energy at the end of the day.

The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity are:
Choice 1 : Act on the important, don't react to the urgent
In today’s world, people are drowning in email, overwhelmed with demands, and trying to do more with less. 5 Choices participants explore how to filter vitally important priorities from distractions so they can make a real contribution.

Choice 2: Go for Extraordinary, don't settle for ordinary
Everyone wants to make a difference, but competing priorities often prevent them from achieving extraordinary results. People who practice 5 Choices learn to structure their roles in terms of extraordinary results to achieve high-priority goals

Choice 3: Schedule the big rocks, don't sort gravel
The crushing increase in workday pressures can make people feel helpless and out of control. 5 Choices participants learn the planning systems that lead to extraordinary outcomes

Choice 4: Rule your technology, don't allow your technology to rule you
An electronic avalanche of email, texts, and social-media alerts seriously threaten productivity as never before. 5 Choices process teaches people how to optimize platforms like Microsoft Outlook to boost your productivity

Choice 5: Fuel your fire, don't burn out
Today’s exhausting, high-pressure work environment burns people out at an alarming rate. Participants benefit from the latest neuroscience around the Five Energy Drivers to consistently recharge mental and physical energy. The five energy drivers are Move, Eat, Sleep, Relax and Connect.

Kory delivered with brilliance, wit and great empathy. In addition, there was a press conference at the end where Kory, PSF CEO and yours truly took questions about 5 Choices and the CEMM/PSF partnership. The event which was organized by CEMM Group -sole licensee for Franklin Covey in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi and Private Sector Federation of Rwanda, was sponsored by Kigali Serena Hotels, Rwandair, and NFT Consult.

Franklin Covey is a New York stock exchange listed company listed company with headquarters in Salt Lake City, USA. Franklin Covey was co-founded by the late Dr. Stephen Covey, acclaimed author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which has sold over 20 million copies. Franklin Covey is a performance improvement company with operations in 146 countries.

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